“Only Streeter could take one of society's most obnoxious habits and make it laugh out loud funny with his clever, insightful commentary, and uncanny ability to find the best (worst)offenders. I would say I love it, but the font on my book blurb is too small.”

— Sarah Schneider Saturday Night Live on White Whine

White Whine

ISBN: 978-1440557132

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White Whine

A Study of First World Problems

by Streeter Seidell

White Whine chronicles the everyday difficulties that plague our lives. From having too much food to eat and desperately needing the latest version of the iPhone to the ever-present inconvenience of having a vacation interrupted by a natural disaster, this book is your opportunity to vent your unrelenting hardships. You’ll recoil in disbelief at all the injustices in the world and recall your own experiences of losing faith in everything around you.

Whether you feel helpless when your phone charger won’t reach your bed or you’re just pissed your boat won’t be ready for Memorial Day, you will enjoy pounding out your first-world problems with White Whine.