“A powerful tool for achieving financial success, offering the customized advice available only to the largest pension funds and wealthiest investors. A great buy!”

— Jack Ehnes CEO California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS) and Board Chairman of the Council of Institutional Investors on Moving Up to Millions

Moving Up to Millions

ISBN: 9780470131817

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Moving Up to Millions

by Kathleen Connell

In Moving Up to Millions: The Life Calculator Guide to Wealth financial guru and former California State Controller Kathleen Connell outlines a dynamic and digitally accessible interactive approach to securing anyone’s financial future. It contains practical advice on overcoming life’s adverse financial events as well as a winning game plan that can be instantly updated for these uncertain times. It also includes a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use financial calculator that enables readers to create an unlimited number of personalized, real-time “what if” scenarios and calculate their optimal financial plan.

Aimed at readers in their peak earning years to those a few years away from retirement, this book offers both profiles of individuals and families who address financial challenges and reposition their careers and personal lifestyles to redeem their finances, as well as the actionable tips they follow on the road to financial freedom. A digital platform encourages readers to access weekly on-line expert panels and blog sites where they can interact with the author and access extensive web references for further education.