The Adventures of Miles and Isabel

ISBN: 9780802140197

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The Adventures of Miles and Isabel

by Tom Gilling

Selected by The New York Times as a Notable Book of the Year, Tom Gilling’s novel opens in a crowded playhouse in 1856 Sydney, Australia, where two spectacular lives are about to start. During her scandalous turn as Hamlet, a heavily pregnant (and unmarried) actress unexpectedly goes into labor onstage, shocking the audience. Indeed, one patrician spectator , who is also with child , is so moved that she too goes into labor. The babies born that night are Miles and Isabel, two dreamers destined to defy convention , and gravity. The Adventures of Miles and Isabel is a delightful novel set in rough-and-tumble, turn-of-the-century Sydney. A best-seller in Australia, it follows the strangely converging lives of these two young daredevils. United by a dream of flight , and true love , the couple attempts to rise above the obstacles of class and physics that stand in their way.