“This fast-paced, engaging, and charming story has echoes of Jeanne Birdsall’s 'Penderwicks' (Knopf) and some Dickensian elements, but in the end this is just a finely executed story of family and friendship and the ties that bind a community.”

— School Library Journal on The Ghosts of Gribblesea Pier

The Ghosts of Gribblesea Pier

ISBN: 9780374362393

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The Ghosts of Gribblesea Pier

by Deborah Abela

Aurelie Bonhoffen has grown up in the circus. She’s been a juggler, the back end of a cow, and played a dead girl on the ghost train at Gribblesea Pier, her parents’ run-down amusement park. She adores her family, especially her uncles Rolo and Rindolf, but when she turns twelve she stumbles onto a remarkable secret. Her family members have two chances at life—they can become ghosts! It’s hard to accept that her favorite uncles are ghosts, but when Aurelie’s new friend at school reveals a dangerous plot to demolish the pier, the secret helps her confront the greatest threat her family has ever faced.