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Amber and Clay Receives Rave Review in Buffalo News

Upon Amber & Clay’s release in early March 2021, it has received a whirlwind of praise on its creative storytelling of a new age Greek myth and the historical illustrations that accompany the riveting tale. On March 12th 2021, The Buffalo News featured Schlitz’s novel in their “Books in Brief” review and praised the author for “weaving her marvelous tale in free verse, using the crotchety voices of the gods and the voices of Sokrates, of Melisto, of Rhaskos and more.” The review goes on to examine the plotline surrounding “a wealthy Athenian girl named Melisto and a Thracian slave boy named Rhaskos are inextricably linked in this brilliant, breathtakingly beautiful, meticulously researched narrative of 5th century B.C.E. Greece.”

Read the review here.

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