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The American Scholar Reviews Robert Kanigel’s Upcoming ‘Hearing Homer’s Song’

​On April 13th, 2021, The American Scholar, a renowned quarterly magazine, published an insightful review on Robert Kanigel’s forthcoming book, Hearing Homer’s Song, which is set to be published on April 27th, 2021. The book outlines the life of twentieth century classical scholar, Milman Parry, and his contributions to literary analysis up until his untimely death. The review states that “his biography (the first) of Parry, set in California, Paris, Yugoslavia, and Cambridge, Massachusetts, would translate well to the big screen (or Netflix). Although an ideal beach read for the classics scholar, the book is aimed at the layperson; Kanigel eschews jargon and in-depth technical discussion while still attempting to convey the magnitude of Parry’s theory.”

Read the full review here.

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