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Rob Eastaway

Rob Eastaway has written several bestselling books connecting maths with everyday life, including “Why do Buses Come in Threes?” and “How Many Socks Make a Pair?”. His first book “What is a googly?”, an introduction to cricket, was famously presented by John Major to President Bush (snr) at Camp David in 1992, and was published in the USA under the title “Cricket Explained”.

With Mike Askew, he wrote “Maths for Mums & Dads”, a book that helps parents to understand the new methods being used to teach maths, and offers ideas for how to make maths more engaging and fun at home. An American edition was published in 2010 entitled “Old Dogs, New Math”.

Rob appears regularly on radio in the UK, and is a regular speaker. He has given talks about maths to just about every age groups in the UK, USA and Australia. He was President of the Mathematical Association from 2007-8. He is married with three young children.